Featured Artist: Isaak Kevan-Hoffman – Oil Paintings on canvas and board, Santa Fe, NM

Adriana Siso
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"I love fresh ideas about everything". Adriana Siso founded her contemporary industrial design store in 2002 in Santa Fe, NM. With a background in Fine Arts, Adriana has been an innovator, bringing to the Santa Fe area, original and unique industrial design products by some of the most creative design firms in the world.

The first design partners Molecule worked with were Vitra Design Museum, Moooi, Cherner Chair, and other well-known national and international brands. Today it partners with other world-class manufacturers like Vondom, Loll Designs and Moroso.

Molecule operated out of a recycled and renovated shipping container building, the first of its kind in Santa Fe. Currently Molecule is available through the online store and by appointment.

Sustainability is an important area of interest and ongoing exploration for Molecule, which offers product lines with a focus on conservation and ecological stewardship. A recent alliance with the Vertical Aeroponic Growing System – Tower Garden, promises to offer a lot of inspiration in the growing field of aeroponics as the future of agriculture, industrial design at its best.

At Molecule Design 
1226 Flagman Way, Santa Fe NM

Opening reception: 5pm to 7pm, Friday December 28, 2018
Artwork on display through January 25, 2019

Isaak Kevan-Hoffman, only 22, was raised in Santa Fe by two creative parents, grew up in The West Side Studios and lived around many studio artists. His childhood was full hands on, of making objects and art.  Isaak studied classical drawing and painting with Felix Voltsinger at the Community College, who taught him about structure in his drawings, sketches and paintings. He attended the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque and currently resides in New York City.

In 2016/2017 he was awarded a “Site Scholar” fellowship by Site Santa Fe and participated in Deliberate Acts, a group show through the same program at Form & Concept Gallery in Santa Fe, NM.

“Isaak Hoffman is a Santa Fe born artist, who has relied on his imagination as a tool to translate the world around him from a very young age. He uses a variety of materials, primarily 2D mediums, to illustrate both the emotional and physical realities of his everyday life”. 

Site Santa Fe

In 2018 he participated in the group show, OUTRAGE, at City of Mud: “His paintings on canvas or board convey the struggle of an individual spirit confronted with a vortex of chaotic energies”.

City of Mud

Isaak has been influenced by Egon Schielle, Picasso, Manet, Basquiat, Children’s Literature and Illustration, just to mention a few of the many classical influences.

"Albuquerque" - Isaak Kevan-Hoffman
Isaak Kevan-Hoffman with Albuquerque, 95” x 55”, oil on canvas, 2018


My artwork reflects an interaction between physical movement and thought. Crafting images and objects is a way for me to express my inner dialogue most organically. My work is a mental collage created during a series of multiple sessions; the process involves applying paint, either with brushes, pallet knifes, or my hands, directly from a paint container to a surface. I work with subject matter that is both abstract and illusionistic, and I almost always include a figurative element. My painting processes and techniques change often with each session of painting. I use life, photos and imagination as references for my work. 

Isaak Kevan-Hoffman
Isaak Kevan-Hoffman exhibit at Molecule